FEBRUARY 9, 2023
The regular meeting of the Harbor Water P.U.D. Board of Directors was called to order by Chairman Dan Fraser at 6:30, Feb 9, 2023, in the administrative building, at 98069 W. Benham Lane Harbor, Oregon
Board Attendance was taken: Dan Fraser “present” Tom Beene “present” Jim White “present” Herman Bloemsma “present” Bill Frye “present”. Others in attendance were Ken Burshem, Ami Arneson, Courtney St. John, Michelle Bacorn.
Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Minutes from the previous board meeting on January 12, 2023, were reviewed. Jim White made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Herman Bloemsma, Roll call – All in favor.
The month’s current bills, in the amount of $58,833.09 were presented, discussed, and approved. Tom Beene made a motion to accept and pay the bills seconded by Jim White, Roll call - All in favor.
Superintendent Ken Burshem reported the following: The back up pump for Pelican Bay is here. We now have back up pumps for all pump stations. Siskiyou pumps will be here in November. If their schedule changes, they will be here sooner. The port is going ahead with putting in a Water Treatment plant. Harbor Water has till Feb 23, 2023, to submit any written concerns to the county. At this time, no one has reached out to Harbor Water about more water usage. Ken has concerns about the Ranney Collector project design. The current design has pilings being drilled into the aquifer. This could cause contamination into the drinking water. Engineer Matt Robart is aware and is looking into fixing the design. FEMA mitigation will be voted on in April. This may require a special meeting. Hydro Tech turned in a quote for $21,430.00. This is for rebuilding 4 pressure reducers and a new one for the Winchuck area. A motion was made by Tom, and seconded by Herman, to go with the quote from Hydro Tech, Roll call – All in favor. GIS mapping was brought up. Dan suggested we contact the Fire Department, to see what they use.
District Manager Ami Arneson reported, the rental house needs to be inspected in March. Jim and Dan will come up with a date and a letter will be sent to the renters. The audit will resume in April. New signature cards were signed and turned in Umpqua Bank. Dan Fraser, Jim White, Tom Beene, Bill Frye and Ami Arneson are signers. A bid from Kellum Carpeting for the office carpet was presented. The board asked that we get another bid.
Revenue Fund $566,316.92
Money Market $2,250,710.05
Security $97,517.74
Meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM