February 15, 2024
The regular meeting of the Harbor Water P.U.D. Board of Directors was called to order
by Chairman Dan Fraser at 6:30, February 15, 2024 in the administrative building, at 98069 W.
Benham Lane Harbor, Oregon
Board Attendance was taken
President: Dan Fraser “present” Vice President: Tom Beene “present”
Board Member: Jim White “present” Board Member: Herman Bloemsma “present” Board
Member: Bill Frye “present.” Superintendent: Ken Burshem “absent”
District Manager: Ami Arneson “present” Office Staff: Ariel Poston “present.” Engineer: Matt
Robart “present”
Pledge of Allegiance was said.
No Modifications, Additions or changes to the agenda, or conflicts of interest stated.
Beene made a motion to accept the agenda, White seconded, Roll Call – All in favor.
Minutes from the previous board meeting on January 11, 2024 were reviewed. Beene
made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by White, Roll call – All in favor.
January 2024 current bills, in the amount of $55,203.99 were presented, discussed, and
approved. Beene made a motion to accept and pay the bills, seconded by White, Roll call - All in
No Superintendent Report, Ken Burshem is absent due to taking his backflow test in
Portland, OR.
District Manager Ami Arneson reported that the annual inspection of the rental house is
due. Fraser and White will come up with a date and time and let Arneson know. The Roofers
Inc. will be coming to fix the roof on the main building, including the Fire Department and
Burshem’s office, in April. Arneson will also have them inspect the rental house's roof too. The
leak has done some damage to the inside walls as well. An insurance claim may be needed for
Poston made the board aware of a home in the district occupied by squatters. The home
has a large leak, and they have been notified to fix it. Currently, My C.U. Mortgage is working
on evicting the residents. According to our ordinance, if the leak is not fixed, the water will be
turned off. Kelly at Harbor Sanitation is asking Harbor Water to install three additional water
meters at Blues Mobile Home Park. Someone would need to come in and pay system
development fees before installation of the new meters.
Engineer Matt Robart for Camas gave the following report. We are getting close to
phase one being complete. FEMA may be coming down to inspect the Ranney Collector
project. Grant funds can not be awarded until the audits are all up to date.
Cost of living raises for employee was discussed. Western Consumer Price index was
suggested to use for calculations. Compensation was brought up for employees that have more
experience and responsibilities then hourly employees.
Fraser, Beene and Frye all attended the SDOA Conference. Each spoke with vendors and
attended classes through out the day. Oregon Buys, Core & Main, Business Oregon, Amazon
Business were a few. Classes included but not limited to, Board duties, HR Alliance Meeting,
Government ethics and legal meetings, Fraud, Artificial Intelligence.
Revenue Fund $476,591.33
Money Market $2,318,784.92
Security $98,332.85
Meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM