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June 13, 2024


            The regular meeting of the Harbor Water P.U.D. Board of Directors was called to order by Chairman Dan Fraser at 6:33, June 13, 2024 in the administrative building, at 98069 W. Benham Lane Harbor, Oregon

            Board Attendance was taken

President: Dan Fraser “present” Vice President: Tom Beene “present”

Board Member: Jim White “present” Board Member: Herman Bloemsma “absent” Board Member: Bill Frye “present.” Superintendent: Ken Burshem “present”

District Manager: Ami Arneson “present” Office Staff: Ariel Poston “present.”


            Pledge of Allegiance was said.

            No Modifications, Additions or changes to the agenda, or conflicts of interest stated.  Beene made a motion to accept the agenda, White seconded, Roll Call – All in favor.

            Minutes from the previous board meeting on May 09, 2024 were reviewed.  Frye made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Beene, Roll call – All in favor. 

            June’s 2024 current bills, in the amount of $75,010.77 were presented, discussed, and approved. Beene made a motion to accept and pay the bills, seconded by Frye, Roll call - All in favor.  

            Cody from South Coast contacted Burshem about the installation of the Crown Terrace easement road.  South Coast at the time of this meeting had installed the road, Burshem, Fraser and White inspected the road and reported it should work fine for Harbor Water. 

            Poston reported that windows 10 will no longer be supported next year, and our computers will need to be upgraded.  She will have quotes for replacing them at the next meeting.  Also, CUSI has announced its 4th generation billing system, UB4.  It is a browser-based application.  Our current CUSI legacy program will no longer be available.  Poston has sent in a request for cost to switch over to the new billing system. 

                         Superintendent Burshem Report, Stadelman Electric is currently working at the intake to add soft starts to the pumps.  A contract for electrical work was presented by Burshem for Crown Terrace 1 project.  The scope of work had three options.  Burshem will get with Stadelman for a better description of option 1 and 2.  The board agreed option 3 was out.    Burshem also requests that the board alter our guidelines regarding contractors performing installs for newly added services. He's requesting that the board only allow one contractor to be under contract with Harbor Water. In this manner, he may guarantee that the person performing the work has a bond and a license. The board recommended that we provide clients a choice of two or three contractors who satisfy the requirements for bonding and licenses.


District Manager Arneson reported we should have an audit draft next week.   


Revenue Fund $478,197.65

Money Market $2,345,806.43

Security $98,673.71


            Meeting adjourned at 7:25 PM


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