December 12, 2024
The regular meeting of the Harbor Water P.U.D. Board of Directors was called to
order by Chairman Dan Fraser at 4:00 pm, December 12, 2024, in the administrative
building, at 98069 W. Benham Lane Harbor, Oregon
Board Attendance was taken
President: Dan Fraser “present” Vice President: Tom Beene “present”
Board Member: Jim White “present” Board Member: Herman Bloemsma “absent”
Board Member: Bill Frye “present.” Superintendent: Ken Burshem “present”
District Manager: Ami Arneson “present” Office Staff: Ariel Poston “present.”
Engineer: Matt Robart “present via zoom”
Pledge of Allegiance was said.
No Modifications, Additions or changes to the agenda, or conflicts of interest
stated. Beene made a motion to accept the agenda, White seconded, Roll Call – All in
Minutes from the previous board meeting on November 14, 2024, were reviewed.
White made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Beene, Roll call – All in favor.
December 2024 current bills, in the amount of $103,062.71 were presented,
discussed, and approved. Beene made a motion to accept and pay the bills, seconded
by White, Roll call - All in favor.
Items For Action:
Terry Hodges was present to talk about the last stages of the Jodel easement. A bill
totaling $2,905.00 is due, and the documents still need Fraser's signature. The board considered
Harbor Water PUD's responsibility for $2,600.00 of the amount, as recommended by our
attorney. Terry Hodges will settle the outstanding debt of $305.00. Beene made a motion for
Harbor Water to pay $2,600.00 of the Chicago Title Company of Oregon bill, seconded by
White, Roll call – All in favor. Fraser will call America Title on Friday December 13, 2024, to
set up an appointment to have the documents signed and notarized.
Superintendent Report:
Burshem reported he received a pallet price on the radios. 480 radios would cost
$80,000. Burshem will meet up with Tim Brush, the Brookings water superintendent, to
find out whom they use to get their tank cleaned. Ellen Stadelman will return from
vacation on December 23 rd 2024 . She will be installing the new firing board for the
chlorinator. Burshem will also investigate further the potential issue with the fan running
24/7 causing moisture buildup. He continues to have difficulty in finding electricians to
work on the system due to its complexity.
District Manager Report:
Arneson congratulated the board members, Dan Fraser, Jim White & Bill Frye for
being re-elected to the board. The SDOA board training has been cancelled. They will
try to reschedule it for January.
Robart reported FEMA has all the information they need at this time. In January,
he is going to get an agency meeting together, including FEMA. Robart will look into
and clarify if the rate increase is a grant eligibility requirement and get back to the
Board comments:
Fraser, and Beene are registered for the upcoming SDOA Conference. Frye will
investigate and register also. Beene has offered to drive. Fraser’s portion of the cost
will be split with the Port of Brookings Harbor. Part of the board met together with
Burshem to go over the ordinances for corrections. They are all almost done. Fraser
mentioned that the board is required to take the states ethics training. When it becomes
available, he will let us know.
Revenue Fund $475,353.65
Money Market $2,386,229.34
Security $99,121.40
Meeting adjourned at 4:54 PM