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January 11, 2024

The regular meeting of the Harbor Water P.U.D. Board of Directors was called to order
by Chairman Dan Fraser at 6:30, January 11, 2024 in the administrative building, at 98069 W.
Benham Lane Harbor, Oregon
Board Attendance was taken
President: Dan Fraser “present” Vice President: Tom Beene “present”
Board Member: Jim White “present” Board Member: Herman Bloemsma “absent” Board
Member: Bill Frye “present.” Superintendent: Ken Burshem “present”
District Manager: Ami Arneson “present” Office Staff: Ariel Poston “present.”
Pledge of Allegiance was said.
No Modifications, Additions or changes to the agenda, or conflicts of interest stated.
Beene made a motion to accept the agenda, White seconded, Roll Call – All in favor.
Minutes from the previous board meeting on December 14, 2023 were reviewed.
Beene made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by White, Roll call – All in favor.
January 2024 current bills, in the amount of $94,061.83 were presented, discussed, and
approved. Frye made a motion to accept and pay the bills, seconded by White, Roll call - All in
Superintendent, Ken Burshem, and Integrated underwater surveillance cleaned the
Fishtank and attempted to clean the Intake. As the robot was cleaning the intake, it began to
turn up clay. Unaware of its depth, the procedure was halted to avoid endangering the well. It
was too muddy to get to the Coleman tank location. Integrated will be back in the Spring to
finish the tanks. One new service installed and two leaks found. All backflow classes are full,
until April. Burshem intends to enroll in that course in the hopes of being accepted into the
February one. The completed backflow report must be submitted by March 31, 2024. It could
be necessary for us to file this year using Herman Bloemsmas' certification number. The report
has been completed by Burshem and is ready to file. On December 27, 2023, Burshem met
with Terre Hodges and Jo Ann Coleman. In addition to asking whether Harbor Water would
paint the stainless-steel water tanks and install green slats in the fence, they also wanted to
know the status of the board's decision to move the easement road. Hodge and Coleman
volunteered to carry the contract for the parcel on which the easement is currently located.

Interest rate equal to the current mortgage rates during the three-year term with a $150,000
down payment. They are requesting that Harbor Water plan to relocate the tank easement
road to South Coast property, when South Coast completes the crown terrace project in the
future. The board agreed to do nothing at this time. Hodges and Coleman need to come to a
board meeting to discuss the issue further. Burshem received two bids for residing the small
garage on the rental property. One bid was from House Rock and the other was from Prolic
Construction. After a discussion, Beene made a motion to accept the bid from House Rock
Construction to re-side and replace the windows in the small garage on the rental property.
White seconded Roll Call – all in favor. Burshem provided more bids for the new riding lawn
mower. White made a motion to purchase the lawn mower from C & M Equipment in Gold
Beach, seconded by Beene Roll call – All in favor.
District Manager Ami Arneson reported the office is running smoothly. Matt from
Camas sent over his report. No Fema updates and nothing to report on the ordinances
Fraser asked to board to change the February meeting to February 15. Fraser and Frye
will be attending the SDOA Annual conference. The board agreed to change the date. An
update will be made to the web page.

Revenue Fund $654,065.94
Money Market $2,305,060.49
Security $98,245.89

Meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM

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