December 14, 2023
The regular meeting of the Harbor Water P.U.D. Board of Directors was
called to order by Chairman Dan Fraser at 6:30, Dec 14, 2023 in the administrative
building, at 98069 W. Benham Lane Harbor, Oregon
Board Attendance was taken
President: Dan Fraser “present” Vice President: Tom Beene “present”
Board Member: Jim White “present” Board Member: Herman Bloemsma
“present” Board Member: Bill Frye “present.” Superintendent: Ken Burshem
District Manager: Ami Arneson “present” Office Staff: Ariel Poston Engineer:
Matt Robart.
Pledge of Allegiance was said.
No Modifications, Additions or changes to the agenda, or conflicts of
interest stated. Bloemsma made a motion to accept the agenda, Beene
seconded, Roll Call – All in favor.
Minutes from the previous board meeting on Nov 9, 2023 were reviewed.
Frye made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Beene, Roll call – All in
December 2023 current bills, in the amount of $172,721.72 were
presented, discussed, and approved. White made a motion to accept and pay the
bills, seconded by Beene, Roll call - All in favor.
The superintendent, Ken Burshem, distributed tank inspection reports to
the board. Burshem also has videos and pictures available for the board to review
in his office. The riding lawn mower needs to be replaced or repaired. A brand-
new motor is $2,000.00. A brand-new lawn mower is $3,800.00. Both quotes are
from Curry Equipment. The lawn mower is 2 decades old. Fraser requested
Burshem get a bid from C and M Equipment in Gold Beach as well. Burshem is also soliciting bids
to clean up the trees leaning over the Benham and Fish Tank fences. The owners
of Crown Terrace 3 developers, are requesting that Harbor Water PUD relocate
the easement road onto the South Coast Lumber property. Burshem distributed
documentation demonstrating that the developer is financially responsible for
any line easement adjustment. Arneson will follow up with an attorney. The walk
way to the Ranney collector is a concern. Eric from 5R will come and laser shoot
the sag of the bridge to document any movement or change. Fraser made a
motion to allow Burshem to purchase a laser level, to laser the walkway, up to
$1,000.00, seconded by Beene, Roll Call, and all in favor.
District Manager Ami Arneson reported that Harbor Water PUD won a
$2,500.00 safety and security grant from SDIS. This money will be used to offset
the expense of the Crown Terrace 3 tank fence. Two bids were revisited. Beene
made a motion to accept the Prolific Construction & Excavations bid of $8,450.00,
seconded by Bloemsma. Roll call: All in favor. The rent on the rental house was
discussed. It has been the same since January 2020. Beene made a motion to
increase the rent to $1,370.00 plus an additional $50.00 for the storage garage to
$1,420.00, effective March 1st, 2024. Seconded by White: Roll call; all in favor.
Merit hikes and cost of living were discussed. None will be given at this time.
The board received information on the FEMA grant for the Ranney
Collector project from engineer Matt Robart. The Oregon OEM office has received
the paperwork, which will be sent to FEMA so that the award may be divided into
two phases and the total budget can be increased. Robart communicated to the
new liaison that there is a deadline for this. The combined budget for phases one
and two is 1.7 million, or little more than 1.7. Ten percent of the 171,584 is the
match. The Coos Curry Douglas business office, or CCD, is pursuing Business
Oregon to provide the matching money.
Robart has taken the feedback from Faser and Bloemsma into account
when drafting the Harbor Water Bylaws. In the upcoming week or so, he will
share the updated document for final review.
Robart has incorporated Faser and Bloemsma’s comments into the new bylaws he
is writing for Harbor Water. He will distribute the new document in the next week
or so for final review. Robart also inquired as to whether the board intended for
his employees to continue tidying up the ordinances, or whether they preferred
to put it off for now. The board approved, to go ahead and continue finish them
We have several outstanding checks, according to Frye. He recommended
printing the phrase "Void after 6 months" on the checks the next time they are
Revenue Fund $654,065.94
Money Market $2,305,060.49
Security $98,245.89
Meeting adjourned at 7:44 PM