November 9th, 2023
The regular meeting of the Harbor Water P.U.D. Board of Directors was
called to order by Chairman Dan Fraser at 6:30, Nov 9th, 2023 in the
administrative building, at 98069 W. Benham Lane Harbor, Oregon
Board Attendance was taken
President: Dan Fraser “present” Vice President: Tom Beene “absent”
Board Member: Jim White “present” Board Member: Herman Bloemsma
“present” Board Member: Bill Frye “present.” Superintendent: Ken Burshem
“present” District Manager: Ami Arneson “present” Office Staff Ariel Poston
“present” Engineer: Matt Robart “present Via phone.”
Pledge of Allegiance was said.
No Modifications, Additions or changes to the agenda, or conflicts of
interest stated. Bloemsma made a motion to accept the agenda, White
seconded, Roll Call – All in favor.
Minutes from the previous board meeting on Oct 19, 2023 were reviewed.
Frye made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Bloemsma, Roll call – All
in favor.
Nov. 2023 current bills, in the amount of $74,376.58 were presented,
discussed, and approved. Bloemsma made a motion to accept and pay the bills
seconded by White, Roll call - All in favor.
Superintendent, Ken Burshem, reported that Del Nora came down and
diagnosed the chlorinator, and it has been fixed. It turned out to be the relay.
They also suggested that we replace the power supply and recommended we
install a hot water heater. The water temperature needs to remain around 70
degrees, to prevent the system from burning up. An 8-inch main broke, on the
west side of the highway. The leak was going into a culvert, which took longer to
locate. Integrated Water Services will be here the week of November 6 th , 2023.
The board needs to decision on which tank cleaners they want to use. Both
Integrated and Pittsburg companies will provide pictures and look at the actual
structure of the tanks. Burshem recommends Integrated, based on the fact, they
can get their equipment up to all the tank sites without issues. Frye made a
motion to use Integrated to clean our tanks, seconded by Bloemsma, Roll call – All
in favor. The camera at the intake may need to be upgraded. We are having
problems with transits in the area.
District Manager, Ami Arneson introduced Ariel Poston to the board. She is
learning quick and doing a great job. Arneson reported on the Rite Aid
bankruptcy status that we know so far. The Fire Department asked if they could
hang a dry erase board on the wall. The board had no issues with it. A customer
on Pelican Bay Dr had a leak they do not want to fix till Spring. They are asking for
a leak adjustment now. They have the line with the leak shut off. The board
approved the leak adjustment, with the customer not receiving another leak
adjustments on the broken line. The grant paperwork has been turned in to
SDOA. Bids for the fencing job located at Crown Terrance 3 were presented to
the board. Burshem stated, the fence is a state requirement, that must be in
place by 2025. Board tabled the fence project for now. Burshem reminded the
board, most bids are for 30-90 days only.
Engineer Matt Robart provided the board with the following progress
report. FEMA HMGP Update. We are in the process of moving the grant funding
into two phases. Phase 1 will be the environmental review, technical analysis of
the bridge and pipe, and all other pre-award costs incurred to-date. Phase 2 will
be the award for construction. This allows FEMA to make a partial award soon,
which would cover costs of the environmental review, permitting, and
engineering. Once Phase 1 is awarded, HWPUD will be able to submit
reimbursements for all pre-award costs incurred since August 2021 including
Camas fees and all engineering to-date. This also allows FEMA to move this grant
to its regional Environmental and Historic Preservation office for environmental
and cultural resources review. Camas will submit a full budget for Phase 1 to
FEMA next week. HWPUD By-Laws At the last Board meeting on October 19,
2023, I provided the Board with printed copies of draft By-Laws for HWPUD. I
asked Commissioners to review the draft and provide comments. Once you have
completed your review, please give the marked-up copies of the draft By-Laws to
Ami Arneson, who will mail them to me at the address in the header of this letter.
Fraser asked Arneson to listen to the previous board meeting minutes again
to confirm if we had passed a resolution to incorporate inspection and approval of
water trucks into our ordinances. Bloemsma confirmed, that once the water
leaves our meter, we basically have no authority. It is the responsibility of the
customer to confirm the water is clean before it leaves the water truck.
The Crown Terrace 3 easement was brought up for discussion. Terry Hodge
is wanting us to move the easement road to the South Coast property located
behind the tank site. Currently the easement goes through a piece of property
she has up for sale. Burshem met with McLennon Contractors, the price to put in
the easement road through South Coast property will cost approx. $150,000.00
The board discussed purchasing the said property. It is possible to use the
property for storage for 2, million-gallon tanks. This could eliminate a lot of
existing hazards, and we would use the current easement to our tanks.
Revenue Fund $639,683.81
Money Market $2,298,448.52
Security $98,111.59
Meeting adjourned at 8:00PM