October 19, 2023
The regular meeting of the Harbor Water P.U.D. Board of Directors was
called to order by Chairman Dan Fraser at 6:39, Oct 19, 2023 in the administrative
building, at 98069 W. Benham Lane Harbor, Oregon
Board Attendance was taken
President: Dan Fraser “present” Vice President: Tom Beene “present”
Board Member: Jim White “present” Board Member: Herman Bloemsma
“present” Board Member: Bill Frye “present.” Superintendent: Ken Burshem
“present, Via phone”
District Manager: Ami Arneson “present” Engineer: Matt Robart, and members of
the community.
Pledge of Allegiance was said.
No Modifications, Additions or changes to the agenda, or conflicts of
interest stated. Beene made a motion to accept the agenda, White seconded,
Roll Call – All in favor.
Minutes from the previous board meeting on Sept 14, 2023 were reviewed.
Beene made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Bloemsma, Roll call –
All in favor.
Oct 2023 current bills, in the amount of $76,841.24 were presented,
discussed, and approved. Beene made a motion to accept and pay the bills
seconded by Bloemsma, Roll call - All in favor.
Superintendent, Ken Burshem, reported the chlorinator has been acting up
for weeks. Its 20 years old, and we may need to replace it. Theres a company in
Texas that will come and look at it for $9,000. Currently, the crew has been hand
feeding it for three weeks. Del Nora out of Seattle Washington, that can come
down and look at it on Monday Oct 23 rd , 2023. Burshem does not have any idea
what the cost will be. Fraser made a motion, proposing Burshem is authorized to
spend up to $10,000. for Del Nora to come down and diagnose the chlorinator
problem. Seconded by Beene, Roll call, All in favor. Fraser asked Robart of Camas
Engineering if there would be any emergency funding to replace the chlorinator if
needed. Robart will investigate it.
Burshem has two quotes from companies to clean the water tanks.
Pittsburg is $20,000. Integrated underwater services out of Washington is
$22,000. Integrated Underwater uses robots to clean and would be able to get up
to all tank sites. If a tank does not require cleaning, they will discount the bill
$900. Per tank. They will be in the area the second week of November. The
board tabled decision until the next board meeting.
District Manager, Ami Arneson asked the board if we were splitting the re
sealing of the parking lot bill with the Fire Department, like all expenses, the
board said yes. The safety grant is due November 12. Burshem and Arneson
agreed, that we could use the money if awarded to place a state required fence
around the Crown Terrace 2 tank. The board was in favor of applying for the SDIS
Safety Grant. Rachelle Jacot was hired to fill Poston’s job position. Poston will
be moved into the IT position. She will complete her 6-month probation in
November, Arneson asked that the board to approve an $1.00 an hour raise for
Poston. Beene made a motion to give Poston an $1.00 hour raise after her
probation is up, seconded by Bloemsma, roll call – All in favor. Arneson handed
out information statements from the Oregon State Treasury Department. They
are a local government investment pool, a short-term fund with an 5% interest
rate for its customers. The board will review the information and discuss it at the
November meeting. Arneson also told Burshem, Neilson did an outstanding job
filling in while Burshem was off. The siding on the small garage was brought up.
Arneson would like to post and receive bids on re-siding the structure. The board
Randy a South Bank Chetco River resident brought in a water sample from
his tank. He had purchased water from a local water truck that filled out of a
Harbor Water Fire Hydrant. The water was cloudy and had animal hair floating in
it. Currently Harbor Water inspects all water trucks for Air gap or a back flow
device at the beginning of the season. Burshem offered to test the water in
Randy’s tank, but he had already added bleach to the storage tank. The board
talked about changing our Ordnances or Bylaws, so that water trucks need to be
tested monthly at their expense. Burshem reported that he had spoken with Kent
Downs at the Oregon Healthy Authority about the issue. The State of Oregon
does not regulate Water Trucks. OHA response is that its up to the customer to
investigate that the portable water company is delivering potable water, and the
water is clean.
Engineer Matt Robart gave the board updates on the FEMA grant for the
Ranney Collector project. Fema is going to require an environmental assessment
be done. It needs to be done by a third-party consultant or contractor. It would
be a conflict of interest, so Camas Engineering is ineligible to bid on the work.
Fema wants to split the awards into two phases. One being the environmental
assessment, everything done to date. Also, in this phase we can include the
budget to do additional engineering analysis to figure out why the main pipe
broke. Robart applied to the CCD Business on our behalf. We have been awarded
50 hours of a funding expert. Robart has him working on acquiring matching
funds of the 10% Fema grant.
Robart also handed out a draft copy of Harbor Water PUD Bylaws. He
asked the board to review them for future adoption.
Beene spoke to the board about Colleen Hartsock. She mentioned to him
that she knew of a tiny home for sale for $20,000. Currently the board is not
Fraser is planning to attend the next SDOA conference. He will represent
both the Harbor Water PUD Board and the Port of Brooking Harbor Board. Both
Boards splitting the cost. Burshem was asked about him getting into Backflow
Class. He said the next class would be after the first of the year.
Revenue Fund $690,318.43
Money Market $2,291,636.39
Security $98,111.59
Meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM