May 11, 2023
The regular meeting of the Harbor Water P.U.D. Board of Directors was called to order by Chairman Dan Fraser at 6:35, May 11, 2023 in the administrative building, at 98069 W. Benham Lane Harbor, Oregon
Board Attendance was taken
Chairman: Dan Fraser “present” Vice Chairman : Tom Beene “present”
Chairman: Jim White “present” Chairman: Herman Bloemsma “present”
Chairman: Bill Frye “present.” Superintendent: Ken Burshem “present”
District Manager: Ami Arneson “present” Office Staff: Courtney St. Johns “present”
Others in attendance: Matt Robart via Zoom.
Pledge of Allegiance was said.
No Modifications, Additions or changes to the agenda, or conflicts of interest stated. Beene made a motion to accept the agenda, White seconded, Roll Call – All in favor.
Minutes from the previous board meeting on April 13, 2023 were reviewed. Frye addressed his last name was misspelled in the April minutes. Minutes need amended. Frye made a motion to accept the minutes with the corrected spelling, seconded by White, Roll call – All in favor.
The month’s current bills, in the amount of $70,979.54 were presented, discussed, and approved. White made a motion to accept and pay the bills seconded by Beene, Roll call - All in favor.
Superintendent, Ken Burshem, reported four leaks had been fixed. The Winchuck pressure reducer has been installed. Door knockers and calls were made to customers that would be out of water during the install. The crane arrived and removed the ranney collector pumps 3 & 4. Burshem passed around pictures of hydrants the crew has been cleaning up. He also passed around photos of Lucas Lane. We had fixed a leak there, and a customer is claiming we did damage to the road. The section of road they are claiming damaged, has grass growing up through the cracks. Clearly showing the damage was already there. In another photo, while raining, you can see that the rain runs down through the area damaged.
District Manager Ami Arneson reported McCourts floor covering is scheduled to replace the carpet on Monday and Tueday May 15th & 16th. The wrestling boosters club has asked for a donation. Beene made a motion to donate $100.00 to the Brookings Wrestling Boosters, seconded by White, Roll call – All in favor. The audit is moving along nicely. We are uploading new documents for the 2020-2021 audit.
All board members were given a copy of the prior years electric cost for the intake on the South Bank, and the first seven days of May 2023. They are comparing how much the electric has increased since Pacific Seafood has starting running this year.
The Board is considering making changes to accounts with 2” meters due accounts not using an adequate amount of water that is deemed necessary for said meter size. Meters begin registering water at a certain amount of gallons depending on the size of the meter, the issue with the accounts with 2” meters is the toilets and low flow appliances are not registering on the old meters which means these accounts are not being charged accurately for their usage. The board is still working on a solution.
Revenue Fund $484,563.07
Money Market $2,264,458.02
Security $97,653.24
Meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM